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Studs Terkel Radio Archive by Studs Terkel

Studs Terkel Radio Archive

by Studs Terkel


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Best of the Studs Terkel Radio Archive

Studs Terkel was undoubtedly one of the great radio interviewers of the 20th century, along with being an author, actor, and historian. Listen to 100s of interviews conducted by the multifaceted Studs Terkel who hosted "The Studs Terkel Program" on Chicago's fine arts radio station WFMT from 1952 to 1997. The audio galleries on StudsTerkel.org and now on SoundCloud feature many of his radio show interviews covering a variety of topics including everything from architecture to teen issues to nuclear war. There are also interviews with everyday people who experienced the major 20th century events of the Great Depression, World War II, and the Civil Rights movement and race relations in the 20th century. There are also his "Talking To Myself Recordings" in which Terkel recounts some of the formative and entertaining incidents from his own life. And then there are the 100s of interviews with some of the leading voices and minds of the 20th century.

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