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In Depth with Mark Bowden
Title Details
Running Time
2 Hrs. 58 Min.
Mark Bowden was interviewed about his life, his career, and his body of work. He also talked about U.S. foreign and military policy, challenges arising in the Middle and Near East, and writing about contemporary public affairs. He also responds to telephone calls and electronic mail. Scenes were shown of a visit to a military base, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, May 25, 2006. Mr. Bowden's 1999 book Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War, the story of the downing of a Black Hawk helicopter in Somalia in 1993, was made into a movie directed by Ridley Scott. Another of his books, Killing Pablo (2001), which covered the life and death of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, is currently being adapted for film. (Mr. Bowden is writing the screenplay). Mr. Bowden's latest book, Guests of the Ayatollah: The First Battle in America's War with Militant Islam, is about the 444 day Iran hostage crisis that began in November 1979. Mark Bowden's other books are: Doctor Dealer (1987), Bringing the Heat (1994), Our Finest Day: D-Day, June 6, 1944 (2002) and Finders Keepers (2002).
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