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This Author: Julia Rooke
This Publisher: American Public Media

Red Runs the Vistula by Julia Rooke

Red Runs the Vistula

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944

by Julia Rooke

Title Details

Running Time
52 Min.


In August 1944, five years after the start of World War II, the people of Warsaw, armed with just a few guns and gasoline bombs, rose up against the German occupation of their city. The uprising was meant to last just 48 hours. Instead, it went on for two months. A quarter of a million people were killed and the Polish capital was razed to the ground. It was one of the great tragedies of World War II, and yet it is rarely talked about outside Poland. This documentary tells the story of the Warsaw Uprising from the point of view of those who were there.

Producers: Julia Rooke and Maria Balinska
Editor: Stephen Smith
Coordinating Producer: Sasha Aslanian
Project Manager: Misha Quill
Assistant Producer: Ellen Guettler
Mixing: Craig Thorson
Web Producer: Ochen Kaylan
Web Production Assistance: Carey Biron and Melody Ng
Web Manager: John Pearson
Web Production Supervisor: Michael Wells
Executive Editor: Stephen Smith
Executive Producer: Bill Buzenberg

Major funding for American RadioWorks comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

American RadioWorks is the national documentary unit of American Public Media.

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