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This Author: Palladius
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The Lausiac History by Palladius

The Lausiac History

by Palladius

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
4 Hrs. 32 Min.


The Lausiac History (Historia Lausiaca) is a seminal work archiving the Desert Fathers (early Christian monks who lived in the Egyptian desert) written in 419-420 by Palladius of Galatia, at the request of Lausus, chamberlain at the court of the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II. (Summary by Wikipedia) Certainly not all of the Christian monks mentioned in the Lausiac History are recognized as Saints. The influence of Origen on the author, as well as on many of the desert dwellers, is clearly seen in this collection of stories. However, Origen's teachings were condemned as heretical in the 6th century. The recognized Saints mentioned include Anthony the Great, Paul the Simple, Macarius of Alexandria, Macarius of Egypt, Pachomius, Isidora the Fool for Christ, Melania the Younger, Pambo, and Serapion.

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