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This Author: Joseph Campbell
This Publisher: Mystic Fire

Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth Vol. 4: Sacrifice and Bliss by Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth Vol. 4: Sacrifice and Bliss

by Joseph Campbell


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.
In this fourth part of the PBS series Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth, Bill Moyers and Campbell start the talk with addressing the need for each of us to have a sacred space in which we put aside the news of the day and enjoy life. Campbell then discusses the many rituals throughout human cultures that act out human sacrifice. Far from the tragedy we might view human sacrifice as today, they were seen as joyous occasions expressing the non-duality of life and death. Campbell then discusses more modern examples of sacrifice, from laying down one's life for another to motherhood to committing to relationships. At the end of the talk, Moyers questions Campbell more about following one's bliss and what that means in practice.

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