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Robert Dallek Videos on C-SPAN by Robert Dallek

Robert Dallek Videos on C-SPAN

by Robert Dallek


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.


Click the link over to C-SPAN to view all of this person's videos there. About this video:

Robert Dallek, author of the historical narrative, Camelot’s Court: Inside the Kennedy White House. He described his book as taking an inside look at the brain trust surrounding President John Kennedy’s administration. He discussed the people who played large roles in Kennedy’s 1,000 days in office, such as Theodore “Ted” Sorensen, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Robert Kennedy and George Ball, to name a few. He pointed out that he felt President Kennedy’s maturity level grew while he was in office. Difficult experiences such as the Bay of Pigs invasion and Vietnam, he said, helped Kennedy become “his own man” who made difficult decisions on his own rather than deferring to the wishes of advisors. He discussed Kennedy’s personal life, such as the story of Mimi Beardsly, a 19-year old college intern who had a sexual relationship with the president. Mr. Dallek uses the story to highlight the differences between news reporting in the 1960's and in the present.

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