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This Author: Jack Canfield
This Narrator: Jack Canfield
This Publisher: Audible.com

Interview with Jack Canfield by Jack Canfield

Interview with Jack Canfield

by Jack Canfield

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
22 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 3 ratings


In this engaging and motivating interview, Jack Canfield, the author of The Success Principles and co-author of the phenomenally popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series, talks with Audible's Publisher Beth Anderson about what it really takes to be successful. Canfield explains some of the basic principles in his book such as taking 100% responsibility for your life and setting specific goals that are sure to help you figure out what you want and how you can go about getting it. Canfield has read more than 3000 books on the topic of success and self-development and he’s able to talk about the science behind his methods to explain exactly why they really work. Whether you’re already a fan or you are new to Jack Canfield’s empowering messages, this interview is a great place to start your journey to success.

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