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This Author: Anne Lamott
This Publisher: UCTV

Hanging Out with Anne Lamott by Anne Lamott

Hanging Out with Anne Lamott

by Anne Lamott


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
58 Min.
Author, humorist, and spiritual writer Anne LaMott sits down for a lively chat on the craft of writing in this discussion before a live audience hosted by UCTV. In her own self-deprecating way, Lamott talks about how to find your specific voice as a writer, the value of using your friends as editors, and how to overcome procrastination through daily habit. Lamott also delves into her idiosyncratic take on Christian faith, and how she came to the Church after finding herself at rock bottom. Funny, inspiring, and practical, Lamott is passionate about the writing life, both in daily practice and as life-long vocation.

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