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This Author: David Isay
This Publisher: WGBH Forum Network

StoryCorps by David Isay


Listening is an Act of Love

by David Isay


Title Details



Dave Isay, founder of Sound Portraits Productions, describes the genesis of the StoryCorps oral history project, its progress and plans for expansion at the opening of the Atlanta Story Corps booth. Over the past sixteen years his radio documentary and feature work has won almost every award in broadcasting including four Peabody Awards, two Robert F. Kennedy Awards, and two Livingston Awards for young journalists. Dave has also received the Prix Italia (Europe's oldest and most distinguished broadcasting honor), a Guggenheim Fellowship (1994) and a MacArthur Fellowship (2000). He is the author (or co-author) of four books based on Sound Portraits radio stories: Holding On; Our America: Life and Death on the South Side of Chicago;Flophouse; and Milton Rogovin: The Forgotten Ones.

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