Teaching Free Audio & Video
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94 Titles
by Lilian Katz
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Online Video
Dr. Katz was our first presenter during the 2012 Wonderplay Early Childhood Education Conference, and had the audience enthralled by her presentation.
by Marilee Adams
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Online Audio
Gold medal winner in Education Commentary/Theory category of the 2014 Independent Publisher Awards.
by Salman Khan
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Online Video
In 2004 Salman Khan began posting math tutorials on YouTube and now he has created Khan Academy which features over 2,000 educational videos.
by Maria Montessori
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Audio Download
In the early 1900's Dr. Maria Montessori began to reform educational methods with her work the ‘Case dei Bambini' in Rome, Italy.
by Ken Robinson
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Online Video
Sir Ken Robinson gives a humorous and inspiring talk on rethinking education and its relation to creativity. He feels that education becomes increasingly narrow as students proceed through it leaving many forms of intelligence and creativity behind.
by Jonathan Bischke
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Online Video
Jon Bischke is an experienced entrepreneur focused on the intersection of education and technology.
by Daniel Siegel
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Online Video
In this talk actress Goldie Hawn introduces her Hawn Foundation, which she founded to teach children the practice of mindful awareness and to educate them about their brains. Dr. Dan Siegel joins her half way through the talk to discuss the scientific reasoning behind bringing these practices into schools.
by Maria Montessori
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Here's sort of a parenting and teaching instructional audio book. In the early 20th century, Italian educator Maria Montessori developed an intuitive educational system for early childhood that is now utilized all over the world and continues to grow in popularity.
by Chris Mercogliano
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This recording is a frank and fascinating conversation between Chris Mercogliano and Steven Harrison, two inspiring visionaries in the alternative education field.
by Malala Yousafzai
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Online Video
17-year-old Malala Yousafzai became the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Since nearly being killed in 2012 aboard a school bus in Pakistani, Yousafzai has been a relentless human rights advocate for education and for women.
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