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by Sherwin B. Nuland
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Surgeon and writer Sherwin Nuland meditates on the idea of hope -- the desire to become our better selves and make a better world. It's a thoughtful 12 minutes that will help you focus on the road ahead.

by Catherina Gere
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Explores the history of public health, from the plague hospitals of Renaissance Italy to the current and future prospects for global health initiatives, emphasizing the complex biological, cultural and social dimensions of health, sickness and medicine across time and space.

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A Film by Lisa Laden for the US Department of Health and Human Services. Narrated by S. Epatha Merkerson, featuring Dr. Anthony Fauci.

by Douglas Melton
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A century ago, people would suffer and die from what we now consider routine bacterial infections. With the discovery of penicillin, a miracle occurred where it became possible to cure people who previously had been left for dead.

by P. Fortes
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This course introduces the concepts of physiological regulation, controlled and integrated by the nervous and endocrine systems. It then examines the muscular, cardiovascular, and renal systems in detail and considers their control through the interaction of nervous activity and hormones.

by Oliver Sacks
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Oliver Sacks, M.D., is a physician, a best-selling author, and professor of neurology and psychiatry at the Columbia University Medical Center. He is joined by Ann Farmer at Google's New York Office and discusses his book, "The Mind's Eye."

by Deepak Chopra
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Two sons of a prominent Indian doctor, one a dean at Harvard Medical School and the other a renowned spiritual guru and advocate of alternative medicine, Sanjiv and Deepak Chropra, discuss how their approaches to healing intersect and share details of their revealing new memoir...

by Russell Taichman
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Dentistry 101 is an introduction to the exciting and diverse field of dentistry through the lens of its many practitioners.

by Juan H. Klopper
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If you've ever skipped over the results section of a medical paper because terms like "confidence interval" or "p-value" go over your head, then you're in the right place.

by Richard Meisler
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The basic biology of the virus, HIV, and the disease it causes, AIDS. The economic, social and political factors that determine who gets sick and who remains healthy, who lives and who dies.

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