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This Author: Kermit Hall
This Publisher: Modern Scholar

Essentials of the Supreme Court by Kermit Hall

Essentials of the Supreme Court

by Kermit Hall

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
35 Min.


This is the first lecture from the Modern Scholar course Law of the Land: A History of the Supreme Court taught by Professor Kermit Hall.

In this introductory lecture Professor Kermit Hall lays out the basics of the Supreme Court from its origin in the U.S. Constitution. He focuses on how it developed from the limited early role it played in the United States to the powerful force it plays in American society today where it interprets the constitution and provides rulings on the legalities of major issues such as slavery, abortion, and more. If you want to learn about the Supreme Court or refresh what you might've learned in the past, then this lecture is a good place to start.

For more information on this course or to get it on audio download check out: Law of the Land: A History of the Supreme Court.

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