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This Author: Hunter S. Thompson
This Publisher: Studs Terkel Radio Archive

Hunter S. Thompson on What Drives the Hell's Angels in 1967 by Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson on What Drives the Hell's Angels in 1967

by Hunter S. Thompson

Title Details

Running Time
55 Min.
Hear Hunter S. Thompson speak about his classic work of gonzo journalism Hell's Angels in this interview from 1967. Studs Terkel questions Hunter S. Thompson about what is driving these men to form these violent motorcycle gangs. Hunter sees it as a post-World War II trend of anger and violence seething up in society. These men have, for the most part, given up on the typical American Dream and working in respectable society. Hunter famously hung out with the Hell's Angels for months, and he tells many wild stories about these encounters, including him getting a savage beat down at one point. He also speaks about the curious relationship between the motorcycle gangs and the police, and he views these gangs as the New Right as opposed to the hippies on the New Left. The interview is broken up into two parts, and you can listen to them each here: Part 1 and Part 2.

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