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This Author: John Hockenberry
This Publisher: Intelligence Squared U.S.

Good Riddance To Mainstream Media by John Hockenberry

Good Riddance To Mainstream Media

by John Hockenberry


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
1 Hr. 50 Min.
In this debate from Intelligence Squared U.S., six journalists combat over the motion “Good Riddance To Mainstream Media”. While the mainstream media is certainly in decline with the advent of new online news organizations taking its place, three of the panelists (including the late David Carr of The New York Times) argue for the importance of keeping around old media mostly because its power and funding provides the in-depth investigative reporting that new media can’t yet provide. The proponents of new media argue that online journalism is in its infancy and it is developing the business models that will eventually replace old media as audiences migrate online for their news. For the time being it seems clear that a hybrid model of new and old media will exist, but it remains up to consumers of news what the future will hold. This debate is available from Intelligence Squared U.S. on YouTube and on audio download through their website.

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