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This Author: Malcolm Gladwell
This Publisher: TED Talks

Malcolm Gladwell: What We Can Learn From Spaghetti Sauce by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell: What We Can Learn From Spaghetti Sauce

by Malcolm Gladwell


Title Details

Running Time
19 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 5 ratings
In this interesting talk delivered by bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell, he explores how the food industry went from looking for the perfect single spaghetti sauce recipe to a more diverse approach of creating a variety of spaghetti sauces to suit the desires of shoppers. He examines this trend through one of its main proponents Howard Moskowitz who used the field of psychophysics to create a variety of original sauces for Prego in the 1980s. Once this variability was proven to be successful it spread to the rest of the food industry, and Gladwell feels we are all happier for this increase in choices.

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