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This Author: Linda Hill
This Publisher: WGBH Forum Network

Linda Hill and Emily Truelove: Collective Genius by Linda Hill

Linda Hill and Emily Truelove: Collective Genius

by Linda Hill


Title Details

Running Time
50 Min.


Harvard Book Store welcomed Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School Linda Hill and MIT Sloan School of Management researcher Emily Truelove for a discussion of their book Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation.

You might think the key to innovation is attracting exceptional creative talent. Or making the right investments. Or breaking down organizational silos. All of these things may help—but there's only one way to ensure sustained innovation: you need to lead it—and with a special kind of leadership. Collective Genius shows you how. Preeminent leadership scholar Linda Hill, along with former Pixar tech wizard Greg Brandeau, MIT researcher Emily Truelove, and Being the Boss coauthor Kent Lineback, found among leaders a widely shared, and mistaken, assumption: that a "good" leader in all other respects would also be an effective leader of innovation. The truth is, leading innovation takes a distinctive kind of leadership, one that unleashes and harnesses the "collective genius" of the people in the organization.

This talk was taped on June 12, 2014.

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