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This Author: Seth Godin
This Publisher: TED Talks

Seth Godin on the Tribes We Lead by Seth Godin

Seth Godin on the Tribes We Lead

by Seth Godin

Title Details

Running Time
18 Min.
User Rating
  4.7  Stars Based on 5 ratings
In this talk from the TED conference, best-selling business author Seth Godin shows how revolutionary business ideas have changed over time. Over the course of history we have moved from a factory model of business to a mass marketing model and now to a model based on tribes. A tribe model of business requires a leader who can connect all the people who are passionate about a specific product or movement and unite them to promote their passion. Godin provides examples of leaders who through the internet and other means of mass communication have arisen and created lasting change in business and society through the power of leading their tribes.

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