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This Author: Stew Friedman
This Publisher: Google Talks

Leading at Google: Stew Friedman on Total Leadership by Stew Friedman

Leading at Google: Stew Friedman on Total Leadership

by Stew Friedman


Title Details

Running Time
43 Min.


Professor Stew Friedman visits Google's Mountain View, CA headquarters to discuss his book, "Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life" This event took place on May 16, 2008, as part of the Leading@Google series. For more information about Prof. Friedman and "Total Leadership", please visit http://www.totalleadership.org/

Stew Friedman is the founder of Total Leadership. He is an innovator in both the leadership development and work/life fields. A faculty member at the Wharton School since 1984, in 1991 he founded both the Wharton Leadership Programs and the Wharton Work/Life Integration Project. He created the Total Leadership program in the late '90s while he was a senior executive at Ford Motor, where he was responsible for leadership development worldwide.

Now more than ever, your success as a leader isn't just about being a great businessperson. You've got to be a great person, performing well in all domains of your life — your work, your home, your community, and your private self. The good news is that, contrary to conventional wisdom about "balance," you don't have to assume that these domains compete in a zero-sum game. Total Leadership is a game-changing blueprint for how to perform well as a leader not by trading off one domain for another, but by finding mutual value among all four. With engaging examples and clear instruction, Friedman provides more than thirty hands-on tools for using these proven principles to produce stronger business results, find clearer purpose in what you do, feel more connected to the people who matter most, and generate sustainable change.

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