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This Author: Mark Victor Hansen
This Publisher: Made for Success

Rip-Roaring Giving by Mark Victor Hansen

Rip-Roaring Giving

Leave an Indelible Mark

by Mark Victor Hansen


Title Details

Running Time
35 Min.


It is important to leave a lasting legacy. Did you know that the best way to leave one is by giving? Giving is what allows you to take a piece of your abundance and set it free to ripple across the world and create more goodness for all. Giving allows you to share your best in the most noble way possible. Cross the threshold and become a legend by taking the personal initiative to make the world a better place. Mark Victor Hansen believes his lifetime of giving has created more goodness in his own life than any other single thing.

Great philanthropists may never reach fame and glory, but they will be honored and revered forever by those who they help. Create a domino effect of philanthropy by being the first to give to someone else who will in turn give to another person. Be the person who ignites the fire of positive forward action. Begin your own living legacy by distinguishing yourself as a Rip-Roaring Giver!

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