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This Author: Michael Lewis
This Publisher: C-SPAN

Michael Lewis on Flash Boys by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis on Flash Boys

by Michael Lewis


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.
Blind Side and Moneyball author Michael Lewis sits down with C-SPAN's BookTV to discuss his book, Flash Boys, an investigative study on a group of people working to stop predators in today's lightning fast market. In today's stock market, certain high frequency traders are utilizing digital technology to act faster than everyone and sell back what they've bought at a disadvantage to others. Lewis effectively argues that this type of behavior works to dismantle trust in the market, and could lead to less investment, which in turn would wreak economic havoc on a level the current US economy cannot afford. Here Lewis presents an eye-opening discovery of how technology is being used to hinder the fair use of the market, and why people like the Flash Boys are working on the front lines of U.S. economic stability.

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