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This Author: Ron Paul
This Narrator: Floy Lilley
This Publisher: Mises Institute

Gold, Peace, and Prosperity by Ron Paul

Gold, Peace, and Prosperity

by Ron Paul

Title Details

We're featuring Ron Paul's audio booklet Gold, Peace, and Prosperity which is a 1981 text that outlines his advocacy of returning to the gold standard and getting rid of the U.S. Federal Reserve which regulates the U.S. money supply among other things. Paul feels that since its creation the U.S. Federal Reserve has created a flood of paper money which has led to constant inflation and the gradual decline of the value of the U.S. dollar. By backing up the dollar with a gold standard which was in place through the Great Depression, Paul feels we can restore real value to the dollar and separate the economy from governmental influence in the same way church and state are separated. In today's headlines of corporate welfare and government bailouts, Ron Paul's ideas on these matters of economic freedom still prove to be popular.

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