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This Publisher: Google Talks

David Wessel on In Fed We Trust by David Wessel

David Wessel on In Fed We Trust

by David Wessel


Title Details

Running Time
53 Min.


David Wessel visits Google's Mountain View, CA headquarters to present his book "In Fed We Trust: Ben Bernanke's War on the Great Panic". This event took place on September 23, 2009, as part of the Authors@Google series.

For more than twenty years David Wessel has been The Wall Street Journals insider at the Federal Reserve, the ultimate protector of the financial system on which the entire economy relies. With continual access to its chairmen, governors, policy makers, and staffers, Wessel has an insiders view of the biggest ongoing story of our time. IN FED WE TRUST: Ben Bernankes War on the Great Panic is Wessels authoritative and penetrating account of what Fed chairman Bernanke and his team knew (and when), what took them by surprise, what they were thinking at critical moments as they labored to prevent economic calamity, and more.

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