
Religious Figures Free Audio & Video

Featured Free Religious Figures Titles

Luther and the West

Luther and the West
by Christine Helmer

Conversations with Buddha

Conversations with Buddha
by Joan Duncan Oliver

Krishnamurti: With a Silent Mind

Krishnamurti: With a Silent Mind
by Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Quest of the Historical Jesus

The Quest of the Historical Jesus
by Albert Schweitzer

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by Billy Graham
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Rev. Billy Graham talks about science and technology and that despite it's many advances it hasn't been able to solve the problems of evil, suffering, and death. He quotes from many famous thinkers throughout history that have grappled with these problems.

by Karen Armstrong
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With her talk on Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time, Armstrong first takes on the definition of Jihad, explaining that as opposed to Holy War, the term more appropriately describes a "struggle" all believers must wage on their way to spiritual clarity.

by Billy Graham
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Trace Billy Graham's unexpected journey from a North Carolina farm to the largest arenas and stadiums in the world.

by Jiddu Krishnamurti
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In this expanded documentary on the life of Jiddu Krishnamurti, viewers are given incredible insight into one of the modern world's most original spiritual and philosophical figures.

by Thich Nhat Hanh
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Watch a short documentary on the life of Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, which covers his long life practicing engaged Buddhism.

by Paramahansa Yogananda
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This documentary reveals the spiritual journey of the great masters of Kriya Yoga who influenced and guided Paramahansa Yogananda's early years in India before coming to America in 1920?

by Billy Graham
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Billy Graham: God's Ambassador is the only authorized video biography of Billy Graham ever made.

by Alan Watts
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Alan Watts is widely considered the West's foremost interpreter of Eastern thought. Distills a great teacher's insight on: The Mood of Zen, Zen and Now, Buddhism, Man and Nature, and the Art of Meditation.

by Albert Schweitzer
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With The Quest for the Historical Jesus, renowned philosopher, physician, and medical missionary Albert Schweitzer makes a critical investigation of various 19th century attempts to recover the historical facts of Christ's life.

by Thich Nhat Hanh
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Online Video

Made specially for the first anniversary of the passing of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, "I Have Arrived, I Am Home" is a new documentary from filmmaker Max Pugh (A Cloud Never Dies, Walk With Me).

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