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Martin Luther King Jr. Discusses His I Have a Dream Speech by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. Discusses His I Have a Dream Speech

by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Title Details

Running Time
12 Min.
In 1964, Studs Terkel recorded this brief interview with Martin Luther King, Jr. at the home of gospel singer Mahalia Jackson. Dr. King had just received the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent struggle for civil rights. Terkel asks Dr. King what the origins of his famous I Have a Dream Speech were. Dr. King replied that it had always been his dream to see the end of racial segregation since he was young. He talks about the influence of his father on this viewpoint, as well as the influence of the ideas of Henry David Thoreau and Mahatma Gandhi. Terkel asks Dr. King about the idea that he is an extremist, and Dr. King confirms that he is an extremist for love.

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