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This Author: Richard Brookhiser
This Publisher: Book TV

In Depth with Richard Brookhiser by Richard Brookhiser

In Depth with Richard Brookhiser

by Richard Brookhiser


Title Details

Running Time
3 Hrs.


Richard Brookhiser talked about his life and career. He responded to telephone calls and electronic communications. A video clip was shown of Mr. Brookhiser working in his home in New York City and talking about his writing process.

Richard Brookhiser is a senior editor at the National Review, where he has worked since 1977. He had a column at the New York Observer for 20 years, ending in 2007, and currently writes a column for American History. Mr. Brookhiser wrote and hosted PBS documentaries on George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. He also curated an Alexander Hamilton exhibition at the New York Historical Society in 2004-2005. Mr. Brookhiser was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2008 and the Guggenheim Fellowship in 2011.

Richard Brookhiser is the author of 11 books: The Outside Story: How Democrats and Republican Re-Elected Reagan (1986); The Way of the WASP (1991); Founding Father: Rediscovering George Washington (1996); Rules of Civility: The 110 Precepts.

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