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The Parking Lot Movie

The Parking Lot Movie


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 10 Min.


Hailed as the "most feel-good film" of the South by Southwest Film Festival 2010, The Parking Lot Movie celebrates a brotherhood of eccentric attendants who man a unique parking lot in Virginia. From grad students to middle-age slackers, indie-rock musicians to surly philosophers, these overeducated part-timers wax profoundly about car culture and capitalism, seek vengeance against entitled patrons and thieves, and make fun of drunken jerks. The highly educated attendants consider their work an opportunity to contemplate impermanence, detachment and the concept of fundamental self. Meanwhile, they judge cars and drivers-both of which have come to represent the pervasive culture of entitlement they abhor. It examines humanity and the existential implications of a job - any job.

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