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This Author: Stephen Schochet
This Narrator: Stephen Schochet
This Publisher: Hollywood Stories

Fascinating Walt Disney by Stephen Schochet

Fascinating Walt Disney

Hear How Walt's Dreams Came True

by Stephen Schochet


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 37 Min.
User Rating
  4.0  Stars Based on 2 ratings


Fascinating Walt Disney tells the thrilling stories behind virtually all of Walt's most famous creations. You'll hear how Disney dramatically acted out the story of Snow White in front of a tough-minded banker to raise the money he needed to complete the 1937 picture. Discover the surprising story behind the creation of Mickey Mouse and the huge emotional price Walt paid to have a character he could call his own. And find out the real story of Disneyland which Walt despite the fact that Fantasia, Pinocchio and Bambi all failed in their first releases.

Fully-orchestrated background music and sound effects enhance each story!

Filled with excitement and humor, Fascinating Walt Disney is an inspiring, unforgettable listening experience!

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