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This Author: David Blaine
This Publisher: TED Talks

David Blaine: How I Held My Breath for 17 Min. by David Blaine

David Blaine: How I Held My Breath for 17 Min.

by David Blaine


Title Details

Running Time
20 Min.
Magician David Blaine talks about his tireless attempts at doing what is thought impossible. He begin looking into holding the breath and researching what it takes to hold the breath for longer than scientists thought possible. At first he experimented with creating the illusion of holding the breath, but when those attempts failed he began exploring what it would take to actual hold his breath for the longest period of time and break the world record. After much trial and error he finally broke the record holding his breath for 17 minutes and 4.4 seconds on the The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2008. This talk was filmed at TEDMED and is available on streaming video and video download from TED.com.

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