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by Studs Terkel
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Studs Terkel was undoubtedly one of the great radio interviewers of the 20th century, along with being an author, actor, and historian. Listen to 100s of interviews conducted by the multifaceted Studs Terkel who hosted "The Studs Terkel Program" on Chicago's fine arts radio station WFMT from 1952 to 1997.
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Famous recluse J.D. Salinger has hidden from the world since "The Catcher in the Rye" took the world by storm.
by Jeremy Siepmann
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For many people, Beethoven is the greatest composer who ever lived...
by Christopher Mitchell
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Although J.R.R. Tolkien did not invent heroic fantasy, in the latter part of the twentieth century, The Lord of the Rings has become almost a standard literary form for the genre.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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In this lecture professor Timothy Shutt provides an overview of the life and literature of C.S. Lewis. He mentions various viewpoints that people have had about Lewis and says why he thinks Lewis is more popular now than he was in his time.
by Charles Bukowski
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Packed with interviews from Bono, Sean Penn, Tom Waits, and more. Bukowski: Born Into This pulls rare footage culled from every phase of Bukowski's past and paints an intimate portrait of writer Charles Bukowski, revealing a tortured man who survived year
by Tom Wolfe
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In this three-hour long streaming video from C-SPAN's BookTV, Tom Wolfe talks about his career as writer from "The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby" which he wrote back in the 1960s all the way up to his latest novel "I Am Charlotte Simmons".
by William Faulkner
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In 1957 and 1958 Nobel Prize-winning American novelist William Faulkner served two terms as the University of Virginia's first Writer-in-Residence. During this time Faulkner spoke and answered questions at many of the writing and literature classes and these lectures were recorded on audio.
by Charles Altiere
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Lectures on Shakespeare and readings of his best works.
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The collection recorded here on free audiobook download from Librivox is a philosophical series that tries to examine how a single person can come to represent the best virtues of their given era.
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