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This Author: James Mattis
This Publisher: Conversations with History

Reflections with General James Mattis by James Mattis

Reflections with General James Mattis

by James Mattis


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
59 Min.
In this in-depth discussion with current Secretary of Defense James Mattis, the retired Marine Corps General talks about his upbringing, the discipline required to be a Marine, the importance of reading from history, and much more in this wide-ranging overview of his career. Mattis has used his position to reshape the character of the Armed Forces, preferring to view military force as a last resort within a spectrum of diplomatic options. This hour-long conversation is peppered with examples of how Mattis applied his concepts during violent engagements in Afghanistan and Iraq, where the troops under his command distinguished themselves for their discretion and accountability. A great look into the mind of one of President Donald Trump's key advisors, and potential architect of U.S. foreign policy for years to come.

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