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This Author: Marina Abramovic
This Publisher: The 92nd Street Y

Marina Abramovic with Sir Norman Rosenthal by Marina Abramovic

Marina Abramovic with Sir Norman Rosenthal

by Marina Abramovic


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 24 Min.


Marina Abramovi? spoke with Sir Norman Rosenthal at 92Y on Jun 26, 2013.

On performance art, Marina explained: "It's all about energy. And energy is something which is invisible. You can't hang it like a painting on a wall. You have to feel it."

Does she describe herself as a political artist? Mr. Rosenthal asked at one point. "No, I don't want to be in any category," Marina told him. "I'm not political artist. I'm not a social artist. I'm not this, I'm not that. You know, the art has to have complexity and have many, many layers at the same time. Otherwise there will be just one. If it's political, it's like old newspaper; you read today and tomorrow it's old."

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