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This Author: Steven Zucker
This Publisher: Khan Academy

Smarthistory: Art History at Khan Academy by Steven Zucker

Smarthistory: Art History at Khan Academy

by Steven Zucker


Title Details

With the Smarthistory series of YouTube videos, the Khan Academy presents over 1,000 brief art history lessons on a variety of subjects. Two unscripted art historians, Dr. Steven Zucker & Dr. Beth Harris, guide you enthusiastically through subjects that include the ancient architecture of the Greeks, paintings by van Dyck, Vermeer, and Bruegel, and modern works, such as Maya Lin's Vietnam Memorial. In addition to getting a valuable art lesson, the speakers also bundle their commentary within a historical context that gives the viewer a well-rounded understanding of a given piece. Playlists on the channel cover different eras, museums, and regions of art.

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