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Austin Kleon on Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

Austin Kleon on Steal Like an Artist

by Austin Kleon


Title Details

Running Time
38 Min.


Austin describes himself as a writer who draws.

After seeing Austin's found poetry collection Newspaper Blackout, Broome Community College invited him to deliver their commencement address. Austin shared the ten things he wished someone had told him when he was graduating, most notably, "Steal like an artist." Once Austin posted the talk on his website, it instantly went viral. To date, the original post has been read by 1.5 million people. He has shared his ideas with audiences at TEDx, SXSW, and The Economist's Ideas Economy conference. Austin's insightful guidance and distinctive presentation has struck a chord with those trying to create original work in a time when nothing seems new. Indeed, we learn from Austin that nothing is original. All creative work must build on what came before and combine old concepts in exciting new ways.

Now, Austin Kleon has delved deeper into his ideas and expanded his game-changing speech into a manifesto:

STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST: 10 Things Nobody Ever Told You About Being Creative (Workman Publishing, April). The book tells us all how to study our heroes and begin to see the world as they do. You'll learn how to copy, steal, and be inspired by the world around you -- without plagiarizing it.

True to his tenets, Austin makes practical advice seem fresh with striking illustrations and genuine passion. His book will help experienced professionals and new graduates alike find new ways of working. His wisdom has clear applications to creative fields like fashion design, performing arts, and literature. Yet it can be equally motivating to those forging new paths in finance, engineering, and technology.

Praise for Steal Like an Artist:

"...filled with well-formed advice that applies to nearly any kind of work." —Lifehacker.com

"Austin Kleon is positively one of the most interesting people on the Internet." —Maria Popova, The Atlantic

"Brilliant and real and true." — Rosanne Cash, singer, songwriter, and author of Composed

"Beautiful." — Chris Anderson, curator of TED

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