Painting, Architecture, & Sculpture Free Audio & Video
Featured Free Painting, Architecture, & Sculpture Titles
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LearnOutLoud's Art Masterpieces is a collection of essays on some of the most important works of art ever created.
by Alain de Botton
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Philosopher Alain de Botton talks about how we can use art as therapy in the modern world in this talk from The School of Life which De Botton founded in 2008.
by Diana E.E. Kleiner
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This course is an introduction to the great buildings and engineering marvels of Rome and its empire, with an emphasis on urban planning and individual monuments and their decoration, including mural painting.
by Steven Zucker
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Online Video
With the Smarthistory series of YouTube videos, the Khan Academy presents over 1,000 brief art history lessons on a variety of subjects.
by Vida Hull
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Online Video
Dr. Vida Hull's "Art History Survey" course covers the history of painting, architecture, & sculpture from the Renaissance all the way up to the 20th century. This 36-hour course is neatly divided into lectures that focus on specific artistic periods such as the Italian Renaissance, Dutch Baroque, Impressionism, and so much more.
by Parme Giuntini
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Online Video
You can watch 13 lectures from this Modern Art History course which is being offered through YouTube from the Otis College of Art and Design. In these lectures Dr. Parme Giuntini, Director of Art History at Otis College of Art and Design, covers many schools of modern art...
by Vida Hull
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This course examines the contributions of women artists throughout history and addresses the question of why women’s art has been ignored or denigrated in the study and criticism of art.
by Vida Hull
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A survey of European architecture, sculpture, and painting from Late Antiquity to the end of the Gothic period.
by John Berger
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Ways of Seeing is a 1972 BBC four-part television series of 30-minute films created chiefly by writer John Berger and producer Mike Dibb.
by William McDonough
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Green-minded architect and designer William McDonough presents many of his ideas for creating sustainable businesses which he introduced in his book Cradle to Cradle.
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