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This Author: Kathe Koja
This Narrator: Sarah Gorman
This Publisher: Full Cast Audio

Kissing the Bee by Kathe Koja

Kissing the Bee

by Kathe Koja


Title Details

Running Time
3 Hrs. 26 Min.


About to graduate from high school, quivering on the edge of adulthood, Dana, Avra, and Emil are locked in an intricate dance of commitment, desire, and promises. Dana, investigating the enigmatic world of bees, is ready to pursue her education as a science writer. Avra is longing to bolt for freedom. And Emil... well, Emil is keeping his own counsel.

No one doubts that Avra is the queen of this tiny hive. But queens can be demanding, and when royalty oversteps its bounds, a revolution may occur. For when the lines of love and loyalty cross, they make a point as sharp as a sting.

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