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This Author: Don DeLillo
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Don DeLillo: The Word, The Image, and The Gun by Don DeLillo

Don DeLillo: The Word, The Image, and The Gun

by Don DeLillo


Title Details

Running Time
50 Min.
Year Released
In this somewhat unsettling documentary, author Don DeLillo takes viewers into the world of the image showing footage of assassinations and terrorism alongside other random images from TV and film. He examines the individual author in comparison to the loner assassin who sets out to define himself and his world. In particular he examines Lee Harvey Oswald and the JFK assassination. DeLillo contrasts this with the idea of the image and the crowd, and suggests that the tragic storytellers of our time are the news media. Though released on the BBC in 1991 this documentary still has much to say about the all pervasive images of our present day. Excerpts from DeLillo’s novels are read throughout the documentary.

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