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This Author: Dr. Arnd Stein
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Pain Relief by Dr. Arnd Stein

Pain Relief


by Dr. Arnd Stein

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
30 Mins.
Year Released
User Rating
  4.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


Pain Relief: self-help program

The "Pain Relief" self-help program by Dr. Arnd Stein can drastically reduce your sense of pain and your need for medication through Deep-relaxation therapy.

Deep-relaxation therapy connects the essential basic concepts of autogenic training as well as hypnosis and music therapy with an innovative and unique suggestion technique unparalleled worldwide. A complex network of stimuli, whispered and spoken simultaneously, along with positive affirmations, encouragement and guidance, work to boost your physical and mental well-being.

How it works

"Pain Relief” contains suggestion-psychological elements that have been proven in the field of pain management:

  1. Relaxation music with a rhythm of 60 beats per minute.
  2. Pleasurable images (a walk in a park, a cosy evening in front of the fire).
  3. Deepening of the relaxed state through a “dream in dream”: The listener relaxes on a park bench and in front of his/her inner eyes a cosy chimney room appears. The listener is thus encouraged to physical and mental well-being through suggestions and positive affirmations.
  4. Whispering voices that are specially arranged in stereo panorama and audibly separate to the main voice, impart additional suggestions which support relaxation and help to reduce pain. These “invisible helpers” accompany the listener during the whole fantasy trip.
  5. The simultaneous performance of several voices, their different intonation patterns, and their position in stereo image and in special echo chambers are a very important therapeutic element.
  6. After 15 minutes, 5 different voices synchronously unleash their relaxing, calming, conflict-solving and pain-reducing effect on various linguistic and pictorial layers. Thus many suggestion components which are approved in pain therapy are merged with each other:
  • Oblivion or subjective shortening of painful experiences by indirect suggestions such as: “If you forget to think about something, it is not noticeable anymore”
  • Pain-incompatible thoughts and images: “It’s amazing how pleasurable physical feelings can be if the mind is relaxed.”
  • Memories of pain-free time periods
  • Mental separation of the hurting part of the body from the conscious ego (dissociation): “Of course organic pain is felt somewhere – but I don’t have to feel it.”
  • Improved managing of day-to-day problems
  • Relaxation of social conflicts is activated by indirect suggestion such as: “There are many ways to change contact with other people.”
  • Orientation for future pain-free time periods: “You will be amazed at how easy it will be to notice pleasure and relaxed feelings when you come out of your dreams”.

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