
John Selby Courses Downloads

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by John Selby
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Selby's unique 'short-form' meditation process combines methods from the great masters, plus insights from cognitive science, to create an easy-to-use yet deep lifelong meditation practice.

by John Selby
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Learn John Selby's fast and effective cognitive process for quieting worries and reducing anger and stress - and wake up your creative and intuitive potential!

by John Selby
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John Selby's SEVEN MASTERS, ONE PATH meditation program can be done in various time formats. This CD offers you 5 different time frames for doing the meditation. Meditate anytime, anywhere!

by John Selby
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Getting a good night's sleep is essential for succeeding the next day - and this unique 'experiential guidance" sleep program will make sure you overcome insomnia, and sleep deeply at night.

by John Selby
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Based on the original insights of Charles Haanel, and psychologist John Selby's innovative manifestation methods, these guided programs deliver effective training and daily reinforcement for fulfilling your deeper dreams.

by John Selby
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John Selby's "Take Charge Of Your Mind" delivers a powerful yet easy-to-master cognitive method for shifting away from worries and stress at work, and becoming more creative, empathic and charismatic.

by John Selby
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use this unique guided process to let go of old inhibitions and heartaches, and open up to spontaneous intimacy and deep sexual experience!

by John Selby
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ZEN TUNES is a quiet selection of spontaneous music composed and performed by John Selby and friends, for relaxation, meditation, peace of mind, and spiritual awakening. Unique - inspiring - peaceful.

by John Selby
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DAILY UPLIFTS offers a dozen short audio experiences that guide you effortlessly into feeling better and performing at higher levels.

by John Selby
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This business training program will enable you to quickly shift into a brighter, more genuinely-friendly mood, as you learn a 4-step process to apply to each new sales or service encounter.

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