iTunes U Audio & Video
500 New @ iTunes U: New Universities
We've just added 500 new free titles from iTunes University on audio & video download. Since we first added the best titles from iTunes U last summer, iTunes has greatly expanded its offerings with over 20 new universities across the United States. The resources at iTunes U are so vast and impressive that we're devoting an entire newsletter to them. We've combed through iTunes U selecting only the best titles from these universities. To browse these 500 offerings check out our latest blog entry:
500 New Titles From iTunes U
Here's some highlights from the new universities they feature:
Abilene Christian University:
Clinical Dietetics I - Dr. Sheila Jones covers diet and nutrition in relation to numerous disorders and diseases.
American Military University:
Sports Training Videos - Short downloadable videos covering baseball, lacrosse, the weight room, and sports medicine.
Broome Community College:
Physical Therapist Assistant Program - Short videos covering muscle testing for every area of the body.
Central Washington University:
Moments in American History - 90-second historical video documentaries featuring numerous historians covering specific moments in American history from 1750 to the present.
Central Washington University Lectures & Events - Featuring guest speakers such as Gloria Steinem, Bobby McFerrin, Angela Davis, Jean Michel Cousteau, and Robert Kennedy Jr.
CWU Counseling Center - Relaxation and mindfulness exercises for anyone seeking emotional health.
DePaul University:
Basic Spanish - Audio files of basic Spanish speaking to improve your listening comprehension.
Intellectual Property Scholars Conference - Conference featuring the presentations of 75 scholars covering a vast array of topics regarding intellectual property.
DePaul Humanities Center Audio - Features a lecture by the Director of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute Clayborne Carson entitled "Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.", along with many other intriguing lectures.
Gordon College:
Gordon College Featured Speakers - Interviews, addresses, and lectures at Gordon College including a talk by author Brian McLaren along with many other Christian speakers.
Lehigh University:
The Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy - Lectures and post-lecture talks on Plato and Descartes from Professor Greg Reihman.
Bio Science in the 21st Century - Multidisciplinary survey course on biological science today covering stem cells, genes, neurobiology, and more featuring video lectures from many experts in their fields.
Miami Dade College:
The Earth Ethics Institute - Video lectures covering environmental ethics and ways to pursue a green and sustainable future.
New York Law School:
Amateur Hour Conference - Talks from the inaugural Amateur Hour Conference which focuses on “user-generated”, “amateur”, or “peer-produced” content and its relation to law, business, and technology.
Civil Liberties Lectures - Lectures from the ACLU, civil rights leaders, and women's rights advocates.
Northeastern University:
Welcome to Boston: Audio Tours - Full audio of the Boston Harbor Walk Audio Tour.
Free Culture Forum - Lawrence Lessig and other experts on free culture give talks at the Free Culture Forum.
Queen's University:
Ethnicity & Democratic Governance - Talks from the Ethnicity and Democratic Governance Project International Summer Institute covering many aspects of governing ethnic diversity.
Reformed Theological Seminary:
C.S. Lewis - Course on C.S. Lewis covering his biography, theology, ethics, and more. Reformed Theological Seminary features over 20 free courses to download!
Rock Valley College:
Film History and Appreciation - Brian Shelton provides brief descriptions of different aspects of film including film production, documentary, and more.
BIO 305: Animal Physiology - In this course Dr. Frank Hanson takes a comparative approach to the study of how various selective pressures have resulted in the evolution of specific solutions to physiological problems.
University of Arizona:
Global Climate Change Lecture Series - Seven video lectures covering Global Climate Change and what could happen as a result of it and what ways there are to stop it.
University of Pennsylvania:
60 Second Lectures from the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts & Sciences - Entertaining 60 second lectures from University of Pennsylvania faculty covering a potpourri of topics.
Moynihan Report Revisited - Numerous lectures looking back at Daniel Patrick Moynihan's 1965 report on the high joblessness among black men as a principal cause of poverty and family instability among African Americans.
University of Southern California:
Faculty at USC: What Matters to Me and Why - USC professors give their stories about what matters to them and why.
USC College of Letters, Arts and Sciences - From USC's largest academic schools comes a number of fabulous lectures such as "Quaking in California: The Faults Beneath Our Feet", "History of Hollywood", and author T. C. Boyle talking about his latest novel "Talk Talk".
USC School of Cinematic Arts Speaker Series - Speakers include documentary filmmaker Ken Burns, director Ron Howard, and others working in the industry of film and television.
University of the Pacific:
Engineering and Technology in a New Millenium - Cutting edge video lectures on covering everything from neonatal hearing testing to the world's largest wind tunnel.
Vanderbilt University:
Worlds of Wordcraft - A unique course exploring the interactive technology and narratives of video games.
The Rev. James Lawson on the Non-Violence Struggle - A course of video lectures by a leading theoretician and tactician of nonviolence within the American Civil Rights Movement Rev. James Lawson.
Wellesley College:
Baby Boomers Come of Age - Summer Symposium covering universal health care, life extension, social security, retirement, and more all in relation to the Baby Boom generation.
Yale University:
Yale Religion Podcasts - Theologians, scholars, educators and clerics at the Yale Divinity School talk about faith in American and the rest of the world.
Yale International Podcasts - From the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization comes from speakers on the international stage including Thomas L. Friedman on how "The Flattening World Challenges The Imagination" and an interview of the late Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto about "The Future Of Pakistan"
500 New @ iTunes U: New Providers
iTunes U is now featuring a number of other educational providers such as public broadcasting, art museums, and other educational content providers across the United States. A lot of them we were already featuring on such as American Public Media, WGBH Forum Network, and UCTV, and these providers have expanded their offerings on iTunes U. Along with these providers there are new educational resources we've never heard of before like the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and the ResearchChannel which features offerings from 25 member institutions including universities and other institutes of research.
Here are some highlights from these new educational providers on iTunes U:
American Public Media:
Living Buddhism - Thich Nhat Hanh and other practicing Buddhists discuss this religion with Krista Tippett, host of the American Public Media program Speaking of Faith.
Vietnam & the Presidency - Series of American RadioWorks audio documentaries covering the Vietnam War and its effects on the U.S. Presidency, including interviews with David Halberstam, Jimmy Carter, General Wesley Clark, Dan Rather, and many others.
American Theatre Wing:
Downstage Center - Over 180 in-depth single subject interviews with theatre artists, producers and others in the field, addressing their most recent work as well as providing an overview of their careers.
Gilder Lehrman Institute:
American Presidents - Historians from the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History discuss their books on American presidents.
Slavery and Abolition - Scholars discuss the history of slavery and abolition in the United Stated from the Founding era through the Civil War.
Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Indianapolis Museum of Art Raw and Uncut - Video interviews with numerous artists at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.
Little Kids Rock:
Little Kids Rock: Guitar Lessons - 20 short video lessons teaching kids to play the guitar complete with PDF lesson books.
Museum of Modern Art:
Edvard Munch: The Modern Life of the Soul - Audio covering MoMA's exhibition of Edvard Munch and his paintings with a link to the online collection that can be viewed. MoMA's exhibition archive features 25 of their past exhibitions with audio, video, and online collections to view.
Pablo Picasso - Audio from MoMA's Selected Artists gallery covering Picasso's seminal work of modern art "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" along with many other paintings by Picasso. The Selected Artists offerings include audio on the paintings of Henri Matisse and other reknowned modern artists.
Oyez Supreme Court Media:
Cases Featuring Opinions of Chief Justice Roberts - Audio from notable cases overseen by Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John Roberts. Oyez also features audio from important cases presided over by the other eight justices.
Freedom of Press - Audio from famous Supreme Court cases involving the freedom of the press, including such cases as "Hustler Magazine and Larry Flynt v. Jerry Falwell".
Meet the Author - Interviews with popular children's authors from WETA Learning Media.
QUEST: Science and Nature - KQED's QUEST explores science and nature through video programs focusing on astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, environment, geology, health, physics, and weather.
Allen Edwards Psychology Lectures - Nationally distinguished psychologists give talks on different aspects of psychology.
Behind the Code from Microsoft Research - From the office of the CTO of Microsoft comes these talks with the most influential technical employees who give their personal stories about their careers.
Loma Linda University's Bioethics Grand Rounds - Presentations on topics in Bioethics, including physician-assisted suicide, handling medical errors, neurobiology, and other critical issues.
Samuel and Althea Stroum Lectures in Jewish Studies - October 2006 - Series of three lectures by Dr. Lawrence H. Schiffman entitled "Creation, Revelation, and Redemption: The Religion of the Dead Sea Scrolls".
Smithsonian Global Sound:
Smithsonian Global Sound Talking Music - Ethnomusicologists discuss various types of ethnographic music.
UCTV: Religion and Spirituality - Downloadable audio versions of UCTV offerings including talks with John Selby Spong, Rabbi Michael Lerner, and an interesting talk entitled "Gen-Xers: Changing American Religion".
US Holocaust Memorial Museum:
Genocide Prevention: What You Can Do - Stories of individuals taking action when it comes to confronting genocide in Congo, Darfur, Rwanda, and throughout the world.
Holocaust History: Eyewitness Testimonies & Personal Stories - From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s oral history collection, listen to stories of Holocaust survivors.
Life Science: WGBH Teacher's Domain - Short videos from WGBH's NOVA that can be used by educators as a resource.
Politics: WGBH Forum Network - Political talks at the WGBH Forum Network including numerous notable liberal thinkers such as Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Chris Hedges, Robert Fisk, Amy Goodman, Paul Krugman, and others.
500 New @ iTunes U: Added Titles
And the universities that were already on iTunes U have, of course, added some spectacular resources as well. New courses are available from MIT, Stanford, and UC Berkeley. UC Berkeley was the first university to start podcasting a selection of their courses for free back in 2006 and they now they offer almost 100 unique courses for free.
Here are some of the highlights of new offerings from universities already on iTunes U:
Arizona State University:
Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference - Conference devoted to promoting healthy lifestyles with doctors addressing physical activity, surviving cancer, getting enough sleep, mindfulness, and other methods for living a healthy life.
Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict - Talks delivered on religious wars and religious terrorism as well as numerous lectures on Transhumanism (which we're not sure what they have to do with religion and conflict, but they look interesting).
Concordia Seminary:
The Lutheran Mind - Lecture course covering the core ideas of Lutheran theology.
Duke University:
Duke University: Nicholas Talks - Over twenty talks from the Nicholas School of Environment and Earth Sciences covering pollution, ecosystems, deforestation, biodiversity, and more.
Provost Lecture Series: Privacy at Risk? - Features a lecture by blogger Cory Doctorow entitled "From Myspace to Homeland Security: Privacy and the Totalitarian Urge".
Michigan Tech University:
Digital Logic - Michigan Tech University Course - EE 2171 - Course covering digital logic including Boolean algebra, binary numbers, logic gates, combinational and sequential logic, and other topics complete with PDF Lecture Notes.
MIT OpenCourseWare:
Animal Behavior - Comprehensive course covering the categories of adapative behavior in animals covering the evolution of behavior and sociobiology.
Philosophy of Love in the Western World - American philosopher Irving Singer gives 4 two-hour lectures on the philosophy of love which he has written numerous books about. These lectures are available on downloadable video and can also be streamed through the MIT course website.
Physics I: Classical Mechanics - Popular MIT lecturer Walter Lewin leads this freshman physics class available on video download.
New Jersey Institute of Technology:
Confronting the Insurmountable Opportunities of Online Education - Discussion covering issues that impact the effectiveness of online teaching and learning.
Pennsylvania State University:
Colorism: Global Perspectives on How Skin Color Still Matters - Colorism Symposium covering topics in discrimination on the basis of skin color.
Seattle Pacific University:
John M. Perkins Lectures - Outspoken Christian and civil rights leader John M. Perkins delivers talks on racial reconciliation, leadership training, and community development.
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Over twenty lectures celebrating the life, work, and calling of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thomas F. Staley Distinguished Christian Scholar Lectures - Dozens of lectures from distinguished Christian scholars including Ravi Zacharias, James Sire, and many others.
J.R.R. Tolkien - Numerous lectures on "The Lord of the Rings as a Defense of Western Civilization", as well as lectures about Tolkien's relationship with C.S. Lewis.
Stanford University:
Hannibal - Lecture course covering the life of the Carthaginian military commander Hannibal.
Geography of World Cultures - Course examining the locational dynamics of the world’s languages, religions, and ethnic groupings.
Texas A&M University:
Pet Talk from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M - Podcast series covering choosing a pet, the effects of table scraps, pet bereavement, and other vital topics for pet owners.
Texas Physics 2007 Conference - Video lectures and technical talks by internationally eminent physicists with titles such as "Einstein's Theory of Specific Heats", "How to Measure the Age of the Universe", and more.
UC Berkeley:
Heideggers Being and Time, Division II Podcast - A new course on Heidegger and his influence on contemporary European philosophy from professor Hubert L. Dreyfus.
Introduction to Practical Reasoning and Critical Analysis of Argument Podcast - Course covering rhetoric and logic examining both ancient and modern approaches.
The Roman Empire Podcast - A history of Rome from Augustus to Constantine.
Shakespeare Podcast - Course on Shakespeare eventually covering the plays Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It, Othello, Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, All's Well that Ends Well, Antony and Cleopatra, Winter's Tale, and The Tempest.
So that's all for our latest update on the best of iTunes U. A special thanks to all the universities and providers offering these audio & video titles and to iTunes for orchestrating such an invaluable resource. Now load up your iPods or other portable audio & video players and start learning out loud!