Top 50 Books, Lectures, & Speeches on Audio for Free
Top 50 Free Resources
At we've been offering our Free Resource of the Day Email for two years now highlighting the best free audio & video you can learn from. So for this second year of free resources we made a list of the top 50 free resources which we've covered in our daily emailings in the past year. You can view the entire top 50 list with reviews here:
Full List of Our Top 50 Free Resources
Here's a list of the top ten:
10. American RadioWorks presents Say It Plain: A Century of Great African-American Speeches
9. 12 Byzantine Rulers: The History of The Byzantine Empire Podcast
8. Oprah and Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth Online Class Podcast
7. U.S. Presidents Podcast
6. Wired for Books MP3 Page
5. Alpha Break
4. The Bhagavad Gita
3. The Value of Philosophy
2. I've Been to the Mountaintop
1. Lit2Go
If you're interested in subscribing to the Free Resource of the Day Email, click here.
Language Lessons with a Tutor
Wanna learn a new language from the comfort of your home? Visit Are you learning, or interested in learning, a foreign language? Whether it's for business, travel, or just for fun, learning a language can be one of the most enjoyable experiences around. Now, thanks to, it's also one of the most convenient. allows you to learn from native-speaking tutors in the comfort of your home using your computer and a webcam. Check it out today @
Over 40 New Downloads From Sounds True
We've added over 40 new downloadable audio learning courses from the self help and spirituality publisher Sounds True. Check out these downloads along with over 300 more downloadable courses from Sounds True:
Browse Sounds True Downloads
Some of the new courses we have added on audio download include:
Dr. Quantum Presents: Do-It-Yourself Time Travel by Fred Alan Wolf
God and the Brain by Andrew Newberg
The Golden World by Robert A. Johnson
How to Meditate with Pema Chodron
Life Visioning by Michael Beckwith
Psychosomatic Wellness by Candace Pert
Unlocking Your Intuitive Power by Laura Alden Kamm
The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield
Yoga Breathing by Richard Freeman
Enjoy these and many more inspirational audio downloads from Sounds True!
Exclusive Downloads from Dr. Daniel Siegel
Dr. Daniel Siegel is the Director of the Mindsight Institute and the Co-Director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center. He is the author of numerous books on mindfulness, psychology, and neurobiology. is pleased to be offering a number of Dr. Siegel's educational audio programs on MP3 download for the first time:
Daniel Siegel Audio Downloads
Here are a few of these insightful and educational audio programs:
-The Developing Mind: How Emotions and Relationships Shape Child Development
-Mind and Moment: Mindfulness, Neuroscience, and the Poetry of Transformation in Everyday Life
-Relationships, the Mind and the Brain: An Interpersonal Neurobiological Approach to Well-Being
-Transforming Chaos and Rigidity into Coherence: Defining the Mind and Well-Being
Enjoy these audio downloads available exclusively through