

Spiritual Teaching on Audio

Spiritual Teaching on Audio

Sounds True and Hay House on the Way

Over the next several months we're going to be adding hundreds of new titles for you to download from LearnOutLoud. We're particularly excited about two new companies we'll soon be posting titles for: Sounds True and Hay House. These are the two leading publishers of self-development and spirituality content and we're very excited to bring them on board. Many of these titles we'll be making available for the first time ever as audio downloads. Stay tuned to coming newsletters for more information about when these will be released.

And you don't have to wait until then to purchase Sounds True and Hay House material. We have many of their titles available on CD and cassette right now. Click on the links below to browse our complete selection of their material:

Sounds True
Hay House

To browse our complete selection of downloadable audio books, click here.

We're also in the process of adding hundreds of new titles to our Sale Section so check that out when you get a chance for some fresh new audiobooks.

All Sorts of New Podcasts for You

Lots going on on the podcast front these days... As the world ramps up for the 2nd Annual Podcast and Portable Media Expo at the end of the month, LearnOutLoud is putting up more podcasts for you to enjoy:

-This month we launched The Philosophy Podcast which highlights the works of Socrates, Plato, Nietzsche and others. This podcast has already climbed to #2 in the Philosophy category on iTunes.

-The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson Podcast has been featured on the home page of the iTunes podcast directory over the last week and is currently one of the Top 30 most subscribed to podcasts. Check it out if you haven't yet!

-We've put up a number of video podcasts on LearnOutLoud recently. Some notable ones to check out include the Rolling R's Spanish Video Lesson Podcast, the LIME Daily Video Podcast, the Yoga Today Video Podcast and NASAcast Video Podcast.

To browse almost 900 hand-selected podcasts you can learn from, click here.

The Secret

If you haven't checked out the movie The Secret yet you really should. It will change your life. A number of people who appear in the movie have content available for sale on LearnOutLoud. If you're interested in going deeper on the philosophy behind The Secret check out titles from the following authors:

Jack Canfield
Mike Dooley
Esther Hicks
Bob Proctor
Neale Donald Walsch

And go watch The Secret today...it just might be the best five bucks you'll ever spend.

Ever Been Skydiving?

Ever wonder what it's like to jump out of an airplane at 12,500 feet? Our founder did it for the first time last weekend...fortunately he's still alive. If you're interested you can check out the video on YouTube by clicking on the link below:

Jon Skydiving on a Beautiful Day

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--> LearnOutLoud.com E-Magazine No. 024 - September 19th, 2006