Relaxation Audio
New Downloads from The Relaxation Company
We've recently added ten new downloads from the publisher: The Relaxation Company. The Relaxation Company has been creating musical and spoken recordings that assist people in their quest for inner calm and balance for 20 years. This new set of offerings from The Relaxation Company feature titles by Gael Chiarella and Dr. Jeffrey Thompson and have been based on over 15 years of pioneering clinical research. These audio programs feature gentle soothing music and nature sounds embedded with pulses of sound which activate your brainwave patterns.
You can browse The Relaxation Company audio downloads here:
The Relaxation Company Downloads
Here are the ten new titles we offer:
Dancing Clouds
Living Joy
Living Peace
Ocean Waves
Sapphire Skies
Songbird Sunrise
Relax with these exclusive high quality downloads from The Relaxation Company.
New Audio Book: Death in Venice
Our new audio book for the month of February is German author Thomas Mann's classic 1912 novella Death in Venice.
Download Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
In this story, Mann introduces us to Gustav Achenbach, a well respected man of letters, whose strict dedication to his craft has led him to the kind of solitary loneliness reserved for great thinkers. After deciding to take a vacation in order to reduce his stress, he finds his way to Venice and makes a discovery there that awakens a passion within himself that he'd suppressed his entire life. Death in Venice is an indelible portrait of what happens when the passions of life collide with the intellect.
This novella was translated from the German 1912 edition by Martin C. Doeg and we sincerely thank him for his permission to record it as an audio book. The text of this translation can be accessed by clicking here. It is well narrated by Tom Laskey. This audio book has a running time of 3 Hrs. and is available for on MP3 and bookmarkable MPEG-4 download. It can be downloaded exclusively through
Download Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
Audio Titles from the Integral Institute
If you haven't listened to any of the audio content from the Integral Institute yet you're missing out on some really outstanding stuff. On these audios, Ken Wilber and others interview people like Michael Crichton, Dan Millman and Deepak Chopra. This is the first time these titles have been made available for sale a la carte.
If you're not sure where to start we'd recommend Ken's excellent interview with Tony Robbins entitled The Higher Reaches of Success. It's an enlightening and engaging piece of content that everyone should listen to at least once. Click the link below to download it immediately:
The Higher Reaches of Success
To see the complete list of Integral Institute titles now available for sale on LearnOutLoud click below:
Integral Naked Audio Downloads