New Podcasts & Phoenix Audio
100 New Podcasts
We've added over 100 new podcasts to our podcast directory. Please check some of them out:
A History of Electronic Music Podcast
BrainStuff: The HowStuffWorks Podcast
James Arthur Ray: Create Harmonic Wealth Podcast
Learn French with Coffee Break French Podcast
MIT Press Podcast
The Economist Podcast
Epicurious: Food and Drink Video Podcast
And many more! Visit our podcast directory with over 1500 podcasts right here: Podcast Directory
Over 200 Phoenix Audio Downloads
We've recently added hundreds of new audio downloads from the publisher Phoenix Audio. The audio titles cover a wide range of categories from literature to self help to biographies to comedy. Many of these titles are currently not available on CD, but LearnOutLoud is making them available on MP3 audio download. Click below to browse over 200 titles from Phoenix Audio:
Browse Over 200 Downloadable Titles from Phoenix Audio
Here are some of the highlights from this collection of audio downloads:
7 Comedy Titles from Columnist Dave Barry
Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch
Getting It Done by Roger Fisher & Alan Sharp
5 Titles on Negotiating by Herb Cohen
4 Books by Philip Roth
Dracula by Bram Stoker
5 Books by Amy Tan including The Joy Luck Club
The Teachings of Zen Master Dogen
Treasury of Contemporary Children's Stories
Teach Your Children How to Think by Dr. Edward de Bono
The Warren Buffett Portfolio by Robert G. Hagstrom
Enjoy these and many other audio downloads from Phoenix Audio!
Download Yoga Classes from exists to bring all the yogis and yoginis together worldwide to offer a variety of yoga and yoga-related practices to anyone and everyone.
Download Yoga Classes from over 50 Yogis & Yoginis
At Yogi Chocolate you will find downloadable audio mp3s of recorded live yoga classes, meditations, and everything else yoga. All downloads are offered on a completely donation-basis, meaning you give what you can and whatever you think the classes are worth. Sixty percent of donations for these classes is given directly to the teacher.
Download Yoga Classes by Donation from
Yogi Chocolate believes in the power of the people, in the power of connection, in the power of the ability to heal and nourish the self and thrive through being yoga.
Watch the Yogi Chocolate Introduction Video
Presidential Candidates Audio & Video Resource
With only one week left until the United States Presidential Election, we wanted to feature our updated Presidential Candidates Audio & Video Resource page. This page features resources from all the presidential candidates that are on enough ballots to theoretically win the election, along with the Democratic & Republican running mates. So we've not only included pages for Barack Obama & John McCain, but also for four other presidential candidates. Listen to and watch audio & video of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Candidates featuring podcasts, speeches, debates, interviews, and more:
Presidential Candidates Audio & Video Resource Page
Here are the individual candidate pages:
Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain (featuring 21 resources)
Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin (featuring 6 resources)
Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama (featuring 23 resources)
Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Joe Biden (featuring 12 resources)
Independent Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader (featuring 11 resources)
Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin (featuring 3 resources)
Green Party Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney (featuring 3 resources)
Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Bob Barr (featuring 3 resources)
Here are some highlights of specific titles which you may want to check out before election day:
Ron Paul Hosts Third Party Press Conference - Features candidates Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, and Chuck Baldwin stating their positions and all agreeing on the principles of withdrawing all troops from Iraq and other foreign countries, stopping the increase of the national debt, and opposing taxpayer bailouts of corporations.
John McCain on Charlie Rose: 1997-2007 - Senator John McCain has been interviewed over a dozen times by Charlie Rose since 1997. We selected the 10 most significant interviews and featured them here. This set of videos provides an excellent portrait of McCain over the past 10 years.
2008 Presidential Race Debates Podcast - CBS News presents the three full debates between candidates Barack Obama and John McCain and the one debate between their running mates Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. Available audio & video podcasts through iTunes.
FRONTLINE: The Choice 2008 - PBS FRONTLINE documentary on the presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain. This two hour documentary is available on streaming video through YouTube and free video download through iTunes.
U.S. Senator Barack Obama Podcast - Senator Barack Obama was an early adopter of podcasting as a medium for addressing his constituents. He began podcasting in early 2006 and this is his original podcast before he began his presidential bid. These podcasts provide a more intimate platform to hear Obama address the issues.
If you like these presidential resources and you have a account, please Digg them here:
Presidential Candidates Audio & Video Resource on
Enjoy these resources and if you're a U.S. citizen, be sure to vote Tuesday, November 4th!