


Listen Your Way to Your Hearts Call

Listen Your Way to Your Hearts Call

Sometimes it is not enough to do what we do. We want more. Something calls us but we are not sure what it is. Listening to our own heart is sometimes the toughest challenge of them all. When we reach a stage in our life when nothing short of the real thing will suffice, there is a kind of listening that actually enhances our ability to hear our own selves.

We are not the first to be lost in the mythical mysteries of our inner landscapes. Others have pioneered this territory and we have their wisdom to guide us. CDs and audio books abound on the subject of following the heart’s call to a fuller creative expression of ourselves.

By listening to the wisdom of others we learn to hear our own. It’s a simple process and a way of using time that is already there waiting to be enriched. The remarkable thing about audio material is that you can listen to it while navigating the traffic to work and back every day. It takes dormant time and turns it into something dynamic that has the power to transform your day.

The first thing we learn is that we have all that we need to make the transition to a more fulfilling life. We can trust our gut feel, Sharon Franquemont tells us in “You Already Know What to Do”, her remarkable audio book on the power of intuition. It’s not that the information we need is somewhere out there and we have to learn it, it is more a matter of accessing an inner wisdom that has been active within us since we first became conscious.

Society has us all reaching frantically outside of ourselves for satisfaction but Franquemont reminds us to be still and listen. This audio book guides us into a mutually beneficial relationship with the center of our being that is alive in our intuition. Reconnecting with this infinite source allows us to make all-important decisions according to a reliable inner reference and not the strident voice of society’s expectations.

This theme of learning to trust that still, small voice is echoed in “Creating Your Heart’s Desire” by Sonia Choquette. This audio book takes you through the obstacles that stand between you and this trust. Choquette teaches us to peal away the layers of conditioning that keep us from the expression of our creative potential. She encourages us with the abiding conviction that, when the personality gets behind the soul purpose, the universe itself conspires to manifest creativity on all levels of being.

Shakti Gawain has been the high priestess of creative manifestation since the release of her bestseller, “Creative Visualization”, decades ago. She has followed this blockbuster success with several titles expanding on her original classic and all are available on audio book and CD. Gawain’s approach is both accessible and delightfully inspiring. In her several titles she celebrates the capacity to make heavenly things happen on earth and she convinces us that we can do it too. Her practical enthusiasm is infectious as well as informative and practical.

Listening to the wealth of wisdom available on audio book and CD is not only a way of reminding yourself about what is important but also a portal into a world where anything is possible.

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About The Author: Gail Walter writes for LearnOutLoud.com, an online portal for educational and self-development audio and video material which can be found at http://www.learnoutloud.com.

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Shakti Gawain
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