LearnOutLoud.com Philosophy, Authors, Podcasting, & Community
Introduction to the LearnOutLoud.com Philosophy
Hi there, I just want to take a minute to
personally welcome you to our first
LearnOutLoud.com E-Magazine. If you find you
don't have the time to read every book you've been
meaning to, or you want to bone up on a subject
you've become enamored with, we are the resource
you've been looking for.
We don't just offer a catalog
of audio books; we want to change the very concept
of learning itself. Education is no longer restricted to
the domain of the
classroom or the study hall. Imagine the freedom of
learning to speak fluent German on your way to work, or
listening to the wisdom of the Dalai Lama while you exercise. The
time will come when everyone will be able to learn
whatever they want, wherever they want, and it isn't
some futuristic fantasy. While bringing
LearnOutLoud.com to life, we've discovered that
great audio programs on every subject you can
conceive of
are currently waiting to be heard. If you want to
enrich your life in ways you never thought possible,
LearnOutLoud.com show you just how easy it is.
Learn More From Your Favorite Authors
You've had it happen many times: You loved a book
by an author, want to
hear more, but you're not sure where to start. Worse
yet, you have no easy way of knowing if the author's
work is even available on audio in the first place!
Hours of needless searching can now be
over with the LearnOutLoud.com Author Pages!
Each of these unique Author Profiles offer a brief
biography, our personal suggestions of what titles to
listen to
first, and finally a comprehensive list of every single
item available on audio and video from that author.
Are you looking for the whole "Conversations with
God Series" by Neale
Donald Walsch? How about hearing
detailed nutrition guides from Andrew
Weil, or getting sales advice directly from Zig
Ziglar? Now you can find your favorite authors
and learn all you can from them at LearnOutLoud.com.
Join the Podcasting Revolution!
If you haven't heard of Podcasting yet, you will.
These audio
programs can be recorded by anyone with a
microphone, something to say,
and a computer to disperse it to the world. Think of
it: instead of having to listen to a radio show at the
right time, you can download the podcast version,
put it on your iPod or any portable digital audio
device, and save it for your commute home! Imagine
a radio listening experience that doesn't require
settling for
obnoxious talk radio, putting up with annoying
commercials, or being forced to sit through
repetitive music programming. Soon there will be a
podcast for every interest.
You can already download podcasts on subjects
ranging from Catholicism, Marketing, Astronomy, and Technology News to name
but a few. There's even podcasts of mainstream radio
shows like The Al Franken Show!
Obviously we're excited by this new technology, and
we decided that many listeners could use a free
podcast that is devoted solely to information on
audio learning. So we created our own podcast,
LearnOutLoud.com's "Audio
Learning Revolution", where we discuss audio
learning Topics, Authors, Publishers, and
technological trends in
the world of Spoken Work education. The "Audio
Learning Revolution" promo was just featured on the
Mother of All Podcasts, Adam Curry's "Daily Source Code", so that
means that our podcast is quality. Now break the
boundaries of radio and actually enjoy those long
trips home with your favorite podcast!
Take Part in the LearnOutLoud.com Community!
We are updating LearnOutLoud.com every day
we want you to
be an integral part of its development. Whenever we
read a good article about audio books, find an
audio learning resource, or simply write a review of
audio programs we're passionate about, we share it
with you on our daily Blog or in
LearnOutLoud.com Forums. However, it's
important that
this isn't a one way conversation. Have you recently
heard a book that's inspired you? Do you have a
question about what mp3 player to buy? Are you
going on a
trip and need some suggestions for what to listen to?
We have the opportunity to create a community
that can answer such burning questions, share
insights, and discuss what we're all learning.
Feel free to comment on our Blog or Register to talk with other LearnOutLoud.com
members in the Forums. It's totally free and we're always looking for
kindred spirits that love to
debate, inquire, and chat about everything related to
learning on audio.
Become an Expert on a Topic
I am always getting interested in a new topic.
Whether it be about how I can Improve my
Diet, about the life of Martin Luther King,
Jr., or about the
practice of Zen
Buddhism, I always seem to be adding new
things I want to know more about. But the thing is
that daily life
sometimes intervenes: I work full time, always have
an extracurricular project, and like to keep up with
friends. How do I make the most of my time and learn
new things every day? The solution is through audio
LearnOutLoud.com's Topic Pages are
the product of our conviction that you can learn the
ins and outs of new subjects
easily without devoting days to finding the best
resources and then weeks to researching these
Whether you are
interested in the Left-Wing Politics or Right-Wing
Politics, you want
to take a Trip through the United
or you're thinking about getting into Real Estate, you can
master any topic by listening to audio programs.
The topic pages offer an essay that tackles the
basics and then we give you a carefully selected list
audio titles that will help you become an ace.
Learning something new no longer means you have to
pour over dusty old books or take an
expensive 5 month course; now you can conveniently
pop in a CD or Cassette into your car stereo, or
download a title on Audible.com and
listen to it on your mp3
player. The topics we choose to showcase are based
on what we've found to be the most popular topics
to learn on audio. Please e-mail your suggestions to
us at:
suggestions@learnoutloud.com with the ideas for
pages you would like to see us create.
Thanks for Reading LearnOutLoud.com's E-Magazine
Thank you for taking the time to read more about
what we're trying to do at LearnOutLoud.com. We
hope that you've been inspired by the possibilities
made available to you in spoken word audio and are
encouraged to explore this world for yourself. One of
the greatest truths you can know is that there is no
limit to what you can learn. What LearnOutLoud.com
wishes to impart to you is that the old limitations
placed on how and where you can
learn have now been shattered. Take the first step
into a whole new universe of education and personal