LearnOutLoud.com Online Audiobooks Store
Free Stuff Galore: Free $5 GC +
Over 500 Free Titles + Free iPod Nano
New Online Store - Get a Free $5 Gift Certificate
Well, we've been working long and hard on it but
we're proud to announce that our online
store is officially up and running. Currently,
we're selling about 1,800 audio books on CD and
cassette. Very shortly we'll add DVDs and
downloadable digital audio and video to the mix. We
would like to be your one-stop destination for all
of your audio and video learning needs.
So what's in it for you? Well here are some
reasons why we think you'll love shopping at
- Discounted prices - Most of our
titles are at least 20% off the suggested retail price.
- Easy and secure shopping experience -
We've made it very easy to find what you are looking
for and we've given you all the information (e.g.,
abridged vs. unabridged and # of CDs/cassettes) you
need to make an informed buying decision. Plus, we
utilize 128-bit encryption and other technology to
keep your data private and secure.
- Real customer service - Unlike many
online retailers we offer both e-mail customer
service and a 1-800 number (1-800-550-6070) for you
to call.
- 5-5-5 - LearnOutLoud.com is committed to
5-5-5 which means we give 5% of our pre-tax profits
to charity, 5% of employee paid time off for
volunteering and 5% of company equity to a
charitable foundation.
We would like to invite you to check out our
store with a very special offer. We'll give you a
$5 gift certificate for your first order! This gift
certificate spends like cash and there is no minimum
you have to spend to use the GC. All you have to do
to claim your $5 gift
certificate is send an e-mail to newstore@learnoutloud.com.
So get your gift certificate today and start
shopping. With the holidays coming audiobooks make
perfect gifts for friends and relatives. Stock up
Online Store
Free iPod Nano
Do you want one of those sleek new iPod Nanos?
In just a couple of weeks we'll be giving one
away. Although we've had a fair amount of people
register to win it hasn't been a ton. Bottom line?
Enter today and you have a really good chance at
winning a free Nano! It's incredibly easy to enter
the contest. Just do one of these two things:
for our site and post a message in our forums.
Post a link to LearnOutLoud from your website or
blog and send an e-mail to linked@learnoutloud.com
to let us know you linked to us.
And if you do both of these you'll have double
the chance to win!
So don't miss out. Make sure to register now for
your chance to win the hot new Nano! (Full contest
details available here.)
Over 500 Titles in Our Free Audio and Video Directory
We've mentioned our Free
Audio and Video Directory in our newsletter
before but we wanted to bring it up again as we hit
the 500+ mark last week. We've added a lot of
really cool new stuff so if you haven't checked it
out in a while (or haven't checked it out at all!)
you may want to stop by. Here's a sampling of some
of the stuff we've recently added:
Lectures - Links to over 100 free video lectures
from MIT including ones from Jack
Welch, Michael
Dell and Noam
Science Trust - Links to 40 free video lectures
on subjects like nanotechnology and physics
Memory from the Library of Congress - Some
amazing projects including Voices
from the Days of Slavery and the September
11th, 2001 Documentary Project
Free Sermons from Sermon
Index and SermonAudio.com
- We've posted links to sermons from people like Billy
Graham and Billy
This is only scratching the surface of what we
have in the directory. Check it out today at http://www.learnoutloud.com/Free-Audio-Video
Two New Titles from LearnOutLoud.com
We're happy to announce two brand new titles for
sale on
our site. These are the first that we've produced
here at LearnOutLoud.com.
If you're an advertising professional or if you
have a business that advertises, you'll want to
check out Bill Grady's seminar How
You Can Create Advertising That Really Works.
This seminar is guaranteed to help you build a
stronger and more profitable advertising program.
It's available on 2 CDs for $15.95 (a downloadable
version will be available soon).
If you're looking to build wealth and find
financial independence, The
Science of Getting Rich
is a must listen. This book was written by Wallace
Wattles, is narrated by Brian Johnson and is a
classic in the field of self development. A
downloadable version of this one is coming soon as
Two Cool New Articles: Seth's Tutorial & Gandhi Out Loud
We've been feverishly writing new content for you
here at LearnOutLoud.com.
Seth just wrapped up a great tutorial on audio
recording that helps make it easy to understand. If
you're contemplating getting into podcasting or
trying to record your own audio book this is a perfect
to Begin Home Recording: Level I
Jon wrote the first in an upcoming series of "Out
Loud" articles. This series will cover audio and
video material available for great leaders and
historical figures. The first articles in the Out
Loud series covers India's Mahatma Gandhi. Look for
more of these in the near future.
Gandhi Out Loud
Latest Resources and Blog Posts
Visit our blog at:
Register and
participate in the
LearnOutLoud.com Forums.
Coming Soon!
Our new program LearnDirect is in the works and
we should have some more details in our next
newsletter. Stay tuned!