


Dead Time Learning

Dead Time Learning

Dead Time Learning + Free Audio +
New Articles + M. Scott Peck +
LOL on the Airwaves + Coming Soon!

Dead Time Learning by Jon Bischke

"How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love my Commute"

I heard a great new phrase recently (while I was listening to a podcast of course!): "Dead Time Learning." Dead Time Learning refers to your ability to learn during times that would normally be unproductive. Examples include:

During your commute - This is the #1 opportunity for Dead Time Learning for most people. The typical person spends more than an hour each day alone in their car. What a tremendous opportunity to learn a foreign language or listen to that great book you never found the time to read!

While you are exercising - Audio learning is a great way to make exercise more enjoyable. It's like you are getting two workouts (a physical one and a mental one) at the same time.

Around the house - How many of you love cleaning, washing the dishes, etc.? I know that I don't! Listening to books and podcasts while you are doing these chores can make them more bearable though. It's strange. I sometimes actually look forward to these things now...

Dead Time Learning can represent a major shift in your life. As Brian Tracy likes to say, if all you did was listen to educational audio books in your car you would quickly become one of the most educated people of your generation. At the same time, the great thing about Dead Time Learning is that, by definition, it won't take any time away from all of those other things you love to do. So I challenge you to give it a try and find out just how easy it is to learn by listening.

For the complete blog entry entitled "Dead Time Learning", click here.

Free Audio Books

We haven't quite put the finishing touches on it yet but since it's live on the site we wanted to take a minute to point your attention to our new Free Audio Directory. The Free Audio Directory contains over 150 educational spoken word audio titles that are totally free to download. It's an interesting collection of audio books, speeches and stories that we've found on a number of sites including Audible.com, FreeAudio.org and Project Gutenberg.

Some of our favorites include Thomas Paine's Common Sense, Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech and Seth Godin's newest title Knock Knock. We're very excited to grow this section of our site and plan to add some of our own titles to the mix very soon. If you have any suggestions for audio titles that we should add, please e-mail us at suggestions@learnoutloud.com.

New Articles

We put up a few new articles on the site recently. Here they are for your reading pleasure:

"In the Wake of Katrina: The Wrath of Mother Nature" - One of the best ways to minimize the impact of natural disasters is to study them to determine what went wrong. This article points to audio resources about past natural disasters such as Krakatoa and the deadly blizzard of 1888.

"Podcasts with a Spiritual Edge" - Are you lacking fulfillment or a greater sense of spirit in your life? A metaphysical podcast might be just what you need. Seth Anderson highlights several that he enjoys in this article.

"It's Football Season Again!" - With the new season underway it's a great time to pick up a football audio book or listen to a "pigskin podcast." There are a number of titles available ranging from stories of players (Namath) and coaches (Vince Lombardi) to all of the fantasy football advice you would ever want to hear.

M. Scott Peck

Sadly, M. Scott Peck passed away this week. He was the best-selling author of "The Road Less Traveled" and many other self-help titles. In his honor we've put together an author page with many of his audio titles:

M. Scott Peck Author Page

LOL on the Airwaves

We were interviewed on a couple of podcasts this week. Here are the links in case you're interested in listening:

Interview on The User Group Report with Chuck Joiner
Interview on The You Are the Guest Podcast with Bill Grady

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Coming Soon!

We'll have some cool new announcements for you in our next newsletter. The first will be the announcement of several new podcasts and audio books that we are producing in-house. We're pretty excited about these and we think that you'll really enjoy listening to them.

We're also getting closer to the launch of direct sales functionality. When that goes live you'll be able to order audio books directly from LearnOutLoud.com. Stay tuned!

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