Leadership Books, Courses, and Seminars on Audio
Top Ten Free Leadership Resources
In this newsletter we're highlighting some of the best audio & video learning resources we have on our site in the area of leadership both in business and in life. At certain points in our lives we all have to be leaders, and we hope these resources will boost your leadership skills. We'll start off with a list of our top ten free leadership resources, along with some recommended downloads that you might enjoy if you liked the freebie:
1. Extraordinary Leadership
This week LearnOutLoud.com is exclusively offering a free audio book to you by Robin Sharma, author of the bestselling book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. The title we're offering is called Extraordinary Leadership, and this inspirational program is aimed at bringing out the leader in all of us. Sharma fills this audio book with anecdotes and words of wisdom regarding what it takes to be a great leader in all aspects of life. Extraordinary Leadership is available from LearnOutLoud.com on MP3 Download.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma.
2. David Allen Company Podcast
David Allen is the bestselling author of the productivity classic Getting Things Done, and in this podcast he discusses a number of the central principles for managing your time and work, including tips for dealing with email, interruptions, and other issues that arise. Currently on the feed there's a series of interviews with Allen conducted by Merlin Mann who is the creator of the popular productivity website 43 Folders. Learn how to increase your productivity in business and in life with the David Allen Company Podcast.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in Getting Things Done by David Allen.
3. Tribal Leadership
Zappos.com (a popular online retailer specializing in footwear) is currently offering a free audio download of the book Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright (published by Harper Collins in 2008). The book is a result of an eight-year study of approximately 24,000 people in over two dozen corporations focusing on how tribes (groups of 20 to 150 people in which everyone knows everyone else, or at least knows of everyone else) drive organization's to success. The book examines the five stages of employee tribal development and how an effective tribal leader can drive an organization to success. This audio book is available on MP3 download through Zappos.com. Note: Registration is required on the Zappos.com site in order to download this audio book.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in Leadership: Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results by Stephen R. Covey.
4. JimCollins.com Lecture Hall
Listen to over 50 MP3 downloads in the JimCollins.com Lecture Hall. Jim Collins (author of Good to Great & Built to Last) provides succinct advice for leadership both in business and in the social sectors in this series of MP3 downloads. Everyone can benefit from these lecture snippets which include great ideas such as how to make a "Stop Doing" list and how to evolve into a "Level 5" leader. Enjoy these free MP3 downloads from JimCollins.com.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in Good to Great by Jim Collins.
5. Building Personal Leadership: Inspirational Tools & Techniques for Work and Life
Listen to this free interview with Joe Farcht, author of the book Building Personal Leadership: Inspirational Tools & Techniques for Work and Life. This free title was published through our TeachOutLoud service and is presented by Inside Scoop Live. In this interview author Joe Farcht discusses his book on ways that managers and leaders can most effectively motivate the people they manage. He provides many useful tips that he has applied in his own life and that have worked with managers he has coached. This half-hour interview is available on MP3 download through LearnOutLoud.com.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
6. Big Vision Podcast
The Big Vision Podcast features interviews conducted by host Britt Bravo with nonprofit workers, social entrepreneurs, green visionaries and social changemakers. In past podcasts they've featured interviews with people like Jessica Jackley Flannery, the co- founder of Kiva, a website which allows people to provide loans for entrepreneurs in developing countries. Many other interesting podcasts are on the feed including interviews with environmental leaders, human rights activists, and more.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in Conscious Business by Fred Kofman.
7. Made to Stick
Check out this talk from the co-author of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die delivered at the Books Inc. bookstore. Author Chip Heath talks about his extensive research into why certain things have stuck with the public as common collective knowledge. He discusses John F. Kennedy's popular goal to put a man on the moon in 10 years, along with a few common falsehoods that have stuck such as "we only use 10% of our brains" and "the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure you can see from outer space". This lecture is available on streaming video and MP3 download from FORA.tv.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in Made to Stick Audio Book by Chip Heath & Dan Heath.
8. Take Control of Your Career and Your Life with Marcus Buckingham Podcast
Listen or watch to this podcasted class offered by Oprah.com, featuring bestselling author Marcus Buckingham. This eight-step course explores finding fulfillment in your career. Marcus Buckingham guides 29 students that are seeking personal success in their business and life. Throughout the course Marcus teaches you how to leverage your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. This podcast is available on video and audio download.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in Go Put Your Strengths to Work by Marcus Buckingham.
9. Leaving Microsoft to Change the World
Listen to former Microsoft employee and the founder and CEO of Room to Read tell his inspirational story of his decision to leave a lucrative job to go build libraries around the developing world. In this talk delivered at Cody's Books, Wood tells about a visit he made to a sparse library in Nepal where he was asked to bring back books. Wood then set out to build a library there and has since grown his Room to Read organization to build over 5,000 libraries in Asia and Africa. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 download through FORA.tv.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin.
10. Seth Godin speaks at Google
Seth Godin is one of the most popular business authors of our era with best-selling books like All Marketers are Liars and Permission Marketing. Seth recently gave a presentation at the Good Experience Live (GEL) conference on the subject of things that are broken. It's both entertaining and eye-opening to get Seth's perspective on what's wrong with the state of the world. Enjoy this video presentation courtesy of Google Video.
If you like this free title, you might also be interested in Survival Is Not Enough by Seth Godin.
Top Publishers in Leadership
LearnOutLoud.com features audio books from many of the top publishers in the area of leadership & management. Here are a few of our top publishers that specialize in leadership audio:
Made For Success - Features motivational audio programs of top speakers and best selling authors in the categories of business and personal growth. LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to now be offering over 80 of their top titles on MP3 audio download. Whether you're looking to increase wealth, improve public speaking skills, get motivated to achieve your goals, become a better leader, close more sales, improve time management, or find instruction in many other areas of personal & professional growth, you'll find an applicable audio download from Made For Success:
Made For Success Audio Downloads
You'll find numerous audio downloads from the following top speakers and best selling authors:
Brian Tracy Downloads
Denis Waitley Downloads
Bob Proctor Downloads
Zig Ziglar Downloads
Jim Rohn Downloads
Tony Alessandra Downloads
John C. Maxwell Downloads
Enjoy these audio programs along your path to success!
Seminars on Demand - 30 new premium audio downloads from featuring America's top speakers and trainers. These seminars cover many areas of business including leadership & management, sales & marketing, public speaking, and more. They also cover areas of self improvement such as goals, productivity, self-confidence, memory power, and much more. These seminars are also available on DVD and we provide links to purchase these titles through the Seminars on DVD website. You can browse all the seminars to purchase on audio download right here:
Seminars on Demand Audio Downloads
Here are some of the great seminars that relate to leadership which we now feature on download:
21st Century Leadership by Don Hutson
Creating Customers for Life by Michael Wickett
Doubling Your Productivity by Brian Tracy
Outselling Your Competition by Brian Tracy
Peak Performance Principles by Jack Canfield
The Platinum Rule by Tony Alessandra
The Power to Persuade by Mike Lipkin
Profit Producing People Skills by Shawna Schuh
Strategic Achievement by Brian Tracy
Street Smart Selling and Marketing by Jeff Slutsky
The Trust Factor by Kerry L. Johnson
Would You Do Business With You? by Jane Handly
Educate, Motivate, Inspire Yourself to Succeed with these Seminars on Demand!
Top Authors in Leadership
We also feature audio books by many of the top leadership authors and speakers in the country. To browse some of the top business authors on our site please click the link below:
Top Business Authors on LearnOutLoud.com
Check out all of our Leadership Audio Downloads:
All Leadership Audio Downloads
Here are some more great authors that feature audio books on leadership:
Brian Tracy (141 Titles)
Zig Ziglar (40 Titles)
Stephen R. Covey (53 Titles)
Jim Rohn (30 Titles)
John C. Maxwell (37 Titles)
Tony Alessandra (19 Titles)
Robin Sharma (15 Titles)
Seth Godin (13 Titles)
Ram Charan (7 Titles)
Patrick Lencioni (7 Titles)
And while you're at it why not listen to a few actual business leaders discuss what made their businesses so successful:
Where Have All the Leaders Gone? by former President & CEO of Chrysler Lee Iacocca
The Future of Business Is Integral by CEO of Whole Foods John Mackey
Trump: Think Like a Billionaire by Donald Trump
Banker to the Poor by Muhammad Yunus, Bangladeshi banker & 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner