Metamorphosis by Kafka
Our new audio book for the month of November is the Metamorphosis by 20th century author Franz Kafka. This classic short novel follows the story of traveling salesman Gregor Samsa who awakes one morning in his family's apartment to find himself inexplicably transformed overnight into a gigantic insect!
Download Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Published in 1915, this novella has lead to a variety of interpretations regarding its meaning, contributing to its enduring interest as a work of modern literature. This audio book has a running time of 1 Hr. 45 Min. and is available for free on MP3 and bookmarkable MPEG-4 download. Thanks to David Wyllie for the translation and Seth Anderson for his narration. It can be downloaded exclusively through from now until the end of November.
New Titles on TeachOutLoud
Great educational resources continue to be published through our self-publishing TeachOutLoud service. You can browse them here:
Browse TeachOutLoud
Here's some recently published highlights:
Giddio Audio Adventures For Kids including:
Billy Brown And The Mystery Package for Free!
Billy Brown And The Frog Tunnel
Billy Brown Goes Hiking
Over 30 Titles from Law of Attraction teachers Beth and Lee McCain including 20 free podcasts and these titles:
The Law of Attraction for Kids!
Journey with Guided Meditations
Unlocking the Secret to WEIGHT LOSS
A Grateful Life: Living the Law of Attraction
Over 30 Free Titles from Lorman Educational Services including discussions of:
Physicals: Should Physicians Know?
Fairness Between Departments with Different Standards
Corporate Code of Ethics
Nine Titles from Life & Relationship Coach Kim Olver including:
Empowerment Parenting
Relationships from the Inside Out
Soundmap London Audio Walks including:
Brick Lane Audio Tour
Brixton Audio Tour
Camden Audio Tour
King's Road Audio Tour
Soho Audio Tour
Sweeney Todd Audio Tour For Free!
25 Audio Titles by Dr. Leslie M. Moore, as she teaches in the areas of yoga and metaphysical studies including 19 free titles.
Other notable titles:
Career Satisfaction From Within Audio Course: Find And Follow Your True Calling, Or Get More Satisfaction From What You Do by Christopher Edgar
Seven-Step Spiritual Mind Treatment: Scientific Prayer, Affirmative Prayer, Effective Prayer by Tina Montalto
From Tragedy to Triumph: Winning Through a Life Crisis by Mary Jaksch
How To Become A Wine Connoisseur or Wine - The Basics by Paul Green
The Science Of Being Great by Wallace Wattles; special edition put together by Michele Blood
Song of the Sage: A Musical-Wisdom Experience by Dan Millman and Asoma
Have Your Way: Getting The Job You Want by Theo Stegers
The Magic of Pray Rain Journaling: Leverage the Law of Attraction with the Written Word by Jeannette Maw
The Mommy Mastermind in the Kitchen: Time & Money-Saving Tips for Moms
The Risk of Creativity: Dialogues in Amsterdam with Steven Harrison
Grief and Loss Recovery by Dr. Maurice Turmel
We also wanted to remind you that we recently created the ability for users to upload their podcasts through our TeachOutLoud self-publishing service. To date over 1,100 titles on audio download have been uploaded through our TeachOutLoud service. You can browse them all here:
Browse All TeachOutLoud Offerings
Over 150 Hay House Titles
This week we're featuring the publisher Hay House and bringing you audio books of many of their most popular titles. Hay House is one of the most successful and respected publishers of self-development and spirituality audio content. Some of their most popular authors include Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay (the founder of Hay House) and Jerry & Esther Hicks.
We've been big fans of Hay House audio for a long time and are happy to have a number of our favorite titles available including:
The Law of Attraction by Esther & Jerry HicksThe Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
Click the link below to see the Hay House titles we have available for download (more are coming soon too!). Happy listening!
Hay House Downloadable Audiobooks