Free Pimsleur Lessons on MP3
A few weeks ago we announced that for the first time ever you can download Pimlseur's comprehensive language learning courses on MP3 audio download. To help introduce you to these programs we are now offering 10 free Pimsleur language learning lessons that you to download in 10 different languages. Each free lesson contains 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and isolated vocabulary and structures to learn.
We also wanted to mention that for a limited time through the end of May, we are offering the first level comprehensive course from each language for $89.95 which is 25% off our standard price of $119.95 and over 70% off the CD list price of $345.00. You won't find these courses anywhere near this cheap on Audio CD or Download! If you're traveling to faraway lands this summer and don't know the language, then Pimsleur courses are the perfect way to comprehensively learn a language quickly.
Browse all of the Pimsleur courses we currently have to offer. Each course includes a sample from the first unit of the course:
Browse Over 30 Pimsleur Language Learning Courses
And if you're unsure, please download these free language learning lessons to try out the Pimsleur method and learn some basic language vocabulary as well:
Arabic - Eastern I, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out Arabic - Eastern I (Comprehensive).
Chinese - Mandarin I, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out Chinese - Mandarin I (Comprehensive).
Farsi - Persian, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out Farsi - Persian (Comprehensive).
French I, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out French I (Comprehensive).
German I, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out German I (Comprehensive).
Hebrew - Modern I, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out Hebrew - Modern I (Comprehensive).
Italian I, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out Italian I (Comprehensive).
Japanese I, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out Japanese I (Comprehensive).
Russian I, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out Russian I (Comprehensive).
Spanish I, Unit 1 Free Download
To download the full course check out Spanish I (Comprehensive).
The Pimsleur Method
"About the Pimsleur Method"
Probably the greatest thing to learn on audio is a language. I say this from experience as I've listened to all of Pimsleur's Spanish programs and can now be air dropped in any Spanish speaking nation in the world and immediately take on the nuances of their specific dialect and blend in as an undercover operative all thanks to Dr. Paul Pimsleur. No, I joke, but seriously folks. I listened to Pimsleur Spanish I and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Here's how the program is laid out. Each lesson is a half hour and it starts with a conversation in Spanish that you can't completely understand as many of the words will be taught to you during the lesson. They use the conversation throughout the session to teach you as you listen and repeat what the narrator says in English and Spanish and I can't quite entirely remember how it goes but it's easy and you repeat these words out loud which is usually more engaging than you average high school Spanish class. Then at the end of the class they repeat the conversation and you know it entirely.
What I love most about Dr. Paul and his Pimsleur Method is that he reintegrates the words that you've learned in previous lessons. Even high school Spanish didn't do that very much. Usually you learned a clump of related words and then moved on to the next clump of related words and by the time you learned them you forgot the first clump. The Pimsleur Method is fully integrated from the first lesson to the last so you remember the whole of the language.
Pimsleur lessons are absolutely perfect for commutes alone since you can sit there and listen and repeat and feel like you've learned something new that day. For jogging or otherwise you can quietly MutterOutLoud the lessons to yourself. Or you can just go crazy and pretend you're talking Spanish into a blue tooth cell phone! :)
We got every Pimsleur product right here:
Download New L.A. Theatre Works Plays
We've just added about 70 new full cast audio dramas from the best publisher of plays on audio: L.A. Theatre Works. They've professionally recorded hundreds of classic and contemporary plays featuring well known stage & screen actors including Richard Dreyfuss, Laurence Fishburne, Ed Asner, and hundreds of other great actors. The plays have been featured on public radio across the United States, and we're now pleased to offer over 200 of these plays as a la carte downloads:
Browse Over 200 Plays on Audio Download from L.A. Theatre Works
Here are some of the classic plays we just added:
Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose
The Grapes of Wrath (Dramatized) by John Steinbeck, Tony Award-winning adaption by Frank Galati
The Sisters Rosensweig by Wendy Wasserstein
All My Sons by Arthur Miller
Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward
Anna in the Tropics by Nilo Cruz
Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon
Antigone by Jean Anouilh
The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov
An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde
To sample some of their plays you might want to check out the:
L.A. Theatre Works Podcast
Enjoy these state-of-the-art productions featuring the world’s greatest actors performing classic and contemporary plays.
More New Downloads from BetterListen! is now featuring over 30 audio downloads from a great new publisher of inspirational, educational, and socially responsible media for a better world. We've just added 9 new great download from the publisher BetterListen!:
Browse all the BetterListen! Downloads
Here are a few of the new audio programs on audio download that we've added with some brief descriptions:
On Self Esteem by Gloria Steinem - In this live talk Steinem expresses her views on the interconnectedness between self-esteem and sexism, racism, politics, and physical and sexual abuse
The Relationships Workshop by Marianne Williamson - A full 3 hour workshop with Marianne Williamson which explores ways to make relationships more positive and satisfying.
The Sacred Self Workshop by Marianne Williamson - This time Marianne explores the indestructible sacred enlightened self within each of us.
Teachings of Joy and Oneness by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach - Rabbi Carlebach delivers pearls of wisdom which are interspersed with wonderful melodies composed by Carlebach himself.
The Way of the Spiritual Warrior by David Gershon - Empowerment Institute founder David Gershon explores the spiritual warrior’s path whose purpose is to create harmony between love and power.
What Stories Do We Need? by Robert Bly - Poet, storyteller and mythologist explores the dark soul images that nourished our ancestors which have often been removed by contemporary analysis of mythology.
We hope you enjoy these outstanding audio programs from BetterListen! and we hope to add more in the future.